Improving knowledge
in all levels of care

Rocket boy

MedEasy is evidence based medicine made easy! By providing engaging video lectures, gamification and student-teacher interaction, we have helped over 90 000 students and health care professionals across Scandinavia. We have received more then 700 000 feedbacks on our videos with an average score of 96/100.

All our content is based on current local and international guidelines of best practices. We validate all our content with leading evidence based clinical tools such as BMJ Best Practice and Wolters Kluwer's UpToDate.


For even more people

Here are three of our lectures translated into English as samples of potential internationalization. In our current production line, Scandinavian languages are our main priority. For a full overview of what we have, see our Norwegian web site, which boasts more than 375 lectures covering 7 different subjects.



Learn how to assess consciousness bedside using the Glasgow Coma Scale.



An easy introduction to one of the most important topics of pharmacology where we compare pharmacokinetics to an all inclusive holiday in The Bahamas.

PlayAnatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology

Get to know the main tasks of the respiratory system together with a simple overview of the anatomy of the airways, without too many details.